Lavon & Carolyn Waters
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Mount Calvary Baptist Camp - Usanos (Guadalajara) Spain
Mount Calvary Baptist Camp is located 14 kms from the city of Guadalajara, Spain. 
It is a ministry we started over 35 years ago. 
High School Camp - August 2015

Children's Camp - July 2015
Family Retreat - August 2015
Lavon Preaching in the Family Retreat
Junior High Camp - July 2015
Below you can see our four-page camp spring bulletin. Although it is in Spanish, you should still be able to get a better understanding of our camp ministry.
Click on each bulletin for full-screen viewing.
Bulletin Spring 2014
Bulletin Fall 2014
Lavon Giving Study Bibles to two Young Men in High School Camp
Carolyn Teaching in the Children's Camp
High School Boys Eating Lunch
Junior High Kids Bible Sword Drills
Children with their Counselors
Counselors in Junior High Camp
High Schoolers coming down from the Bible Class in the Tabernacle
Carolyn working with Daughter Joy
Carolyn in the Outdoor Chapel